Friday, March 23, 2012

Ways to help your dogs live longer Part 3 幫你的狗長壽D (三)

After Surgery Care / 手術後護理

As with people, it takes time for animal to heal after surgery.  During surgery pain killer or/and anesthesia are given to your dog and they would remain toxic to your dog and affect immune system until you help your dog to flush them out and regain balance.  Here are a few tricks to help your dog

同人一樣,動物手術後要癒合/康復需要時間。手術過程中,獸醫會比止痛藥和/或麻醉是給你的狗止痛藥和/或麻醉藥對你愛犬有害影響免疫系統.  但是因為無可避免你只好手術後幫你的狗排毒恢復健康

1) Milk Thistle - this is an amazing herb for both people and your dog.  It helps detoxified the liver from the drug and medication begin given during the surgery.  It helps to support liver function, especially when liver is under pressure. Give it to your dog for one week after surgery.  Also give it to your dog after any vaccinations or medications to detox.  Use   Dr. Carol Complete Organic Liver Essentials水飛薊 (Mike Thistle) - 這是一個驚人的藥草為人和狗。它可以幫助戒除肝臟藥物毒素。它有助於支持肝功能,尤其是當需要加班手術後把Mike Thistle給你的狗一個星期及如果餵任何疫苗或藥物, 也可用Mike Thistle來排毒。狗狗肝臟必要全面有機補充品

2) Ginger - To help your dog reduce nausea and better appetite, give ginger to your dog.  Boil 3 slice of ginger in 2 cup of water (no tap or no mineral water please) for 10 min and cover it for 10 min, and give it to your dog once cool.   

2 - 為了幫助狗減輕噁心,食慾更好。用2 杯水煮沸3片生薑 (不要用自來水或礦泉水)10分鐘和10分鐘覆蓋,等凍了把它給你的狗喝。 

3) Probiotics - As antibiotic distributes gut as it kills some good bacteria, given probiotics to your dog for 6 months would help.  Probiotics can be found in Yogurt, please buy those that specific that probiotics is presence.  In Hong Kong, you can get Pauls Yogurt (about HK$45 at Wellcome) with probiotics.    You can also purchase probiotics that are made for pet at pet store.  I feed our PrePro to my dog; he is small so I only give 1/8 teaspoon x 2 times.  

3) 益生菌 - 因為抗生素會殺死一些對腸胃有益 的細菌幫助你的狗腸胃回復術康餵 益生菌 給你的狗6個月 酸奶/ 乳絡有些有益生菌, 請購買時買註明有益生菌的。在香港,你可以 Pauls 酸奶/ 乳絡有益生菌(在惠康 HK$45您也可以在寵物店購買寵物益生菌。
我餵我的狗我們出售的 PrePro 消化寶; 我餵 1/8 茶匙 x 2

4) Fish Oil – giving fish oil to your dogs can help to avoid inflammations

4) -幫助狗隻避免發炎. 

5) Equinacea – it contains Echinacea and Cats Claw  can help wound healing. 

5) 紫錐花+  含紫錐花及貓爪草有肋傷口癒合.

6) Small meals - Give multiple small meals to help with appetite and take the load off from digestion big meal

6) 小食多餐 -幫肋食慾和減低消化一頓大餐的 負

7) Natural foods – give natural foods that is full of moisture. (i.e. papaya, eggs, meat)

7) 天然飲食 -餵含高水份的天然飲食 (即: 木瓜,蛋,肉

Also provide the necessary supplements based on the reasons for surgery. 另外還提供給必要的補充品.

Also see / 其他:
- Ways to help your dogs live longer 幫你的狗長壽D
- Ways to help your dogs live longer Part 2 幫你的狗長壽D (二)
- Probiotics 益生菌
- PrePro 消化寶 - Natural Blend of Prebiotics, Probiotics and Enzymes (1lb)

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