Tuesday, September 20, 2011

HHC Quick Tips - Starch should be fed with care

HHC Quick Tips - Starch should be fed with care

Overfeeding of starch can lead to undigested starch flowing into the hindgut where it causes disturbance and damage to the microbial populations.  This could result in colic, laminitis and diarrhea, and depressed fiber digestion.

Starch should be fed at a maximum rate of 2g per 1 kg of bodyweight per meal meaning 2 kg of starch for a 1000 kg horse per meal.

- 1 kg of starch is found in 2 kg oats
- 1 kg of starch is found in 1.7 kg of naked oats
- 1 kg of starch is found in 1.79 kg of barley
- 1 kg of starch is found in 1.5 kg wheat
- 1 kg of starch is found in 1.4 kg maize (**Has the most starch**)

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