Thursday, February 7, 2013

Vitamin C 維他命C

We have a all been told to eat our oranges, drink our lemonade, and drink our honey tea when we have a cold, and there is one vitamin that we cannot live without, it is Vitamin C (as it cannot be self generated by people but dog can).

當我們感冒啲時後, 我們都會被提吃橙, 喝檸檬水, 及喝的蜂糖水 我們生活不可以沒有 維他命C(因為我們不能自我維他命C但狗是可以的.)

Vitamin C is water soluble.  It means that what you do not use (or any excess), will all be get rid of from your body. 

Vitamin C improves immune function by enhancing white blood cell function and activity. It also increases the blood levels of interferon (the body’s natural antiviral and anticancer compound) and antibodies (proteins that bind to and destroy foreign material such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins). 

Human cannot generate its own Vitamin C but dog (cat also) and many other animal can. 

維他命C水溶性的. 不使用及多餘維他命C都將會被排出身體.

維生素C可以提高人體免疫功能,能提高白血球的功能和活性. 它還增加血液中的 干擾素” (身體的自然的抗病毒和抗癌化合物) 和抗體 (蛋白質結合到並摧毀外來物質, : 細菌, 病毒, 和毒素).

人類無法生自己的維生素C,  但狗 (貓也可以) 和許多其他動物都可以自己的維生素C.
Dog can generate Vitamin C on their own

With proper protein intake, healthy dog generates about 18mg per pound (of body weight) of vitamin C per day; however, some recent research has shown that some animals (dogs and cats) have lost their ability to generate or generate sufficient vitamin C.  "When dogs are sick or stressed, they can rapidly deplete their bodies’ output of vitamin C.  A 1942 study noted that dogs with skin diseases usually have very low amounts of vitamin C in their blood." But Dr. Goldstein thinks it is important to improve in order for the animal to generate its own Vitamin C; therefore, he rarely supplements Vitamin C.

如有適當的蛋白質攝取量, 健康的狗能每一磅, 每天能產生約18mg維他命C;   然而最近的一些研究表明,一些動物(狗,貓)失去了自己產生或產生足夠維他命C的本能。當狗生病或有壓力的時後,他們可以迅速耗盡身體的輸出的維他命C.  1942 年的一項研究指出,一般有皮膚疾病的狗, 通常有非常低量的維他命C在他們的血液中Dr. Goldstein 認為重要是要提高動物健康讓他們自己產生維他命C,  因此他很少會補充維他命C.
Vitamin C can help with
  • Essential antioxidant (for hair, skin, blood vessels, bonds, collagen, gums and teeth) and immune builder for dogs
  • Joint issues (hip dysplasia and other joint inflammations) as it helps the body to properly mobilize calcium, which helps keep bones and joints from deteriorating.
  • Protects against allergies
  • Promote healing


  • 基本抗氧化劑(頭髮,皮膚,血管,債券,膠原蛋白,牙齦和牙齒)和免疫建設者的狗
  • 關節問題 (髖關節發育不良和其他關節發炎), 因為它幫助身體正確動用鈣質去幫助保持骨骼和過關節惡化.
  • 防止過敏
  • 促進癒
Who should receive Vitamin C?
  • Dogs with wound or healing
  • Females in seasons
  • Older dogs
  • Dogs under stress
  • Dogs with chronic disease (check with your vet)
  • Dogs that are exposed to HIGH amount of pollutant per Dr. Pitcairn.  ( Many dogs in Hong Kong are.)


  • 有傷口或治療犬
  • 女狗 起水
  • 老年犬
  • 壓力下的狗
  • 患有慢性疾病的狗(與您的獸醫檢查) 
  • 狗接觸到大量的污染物根據Dr. Pitcairn. (在香港的大多數的狗也是)
Signs of Deficiency
  • Urinary tract issue
  • Bladder Stones
  • Poor Immune
  • Skin infections

  • 尿路問題 
  • 膀胱結石
  • 免疫力差
  • 皮膚感

Give about 18-36mg per pound (lb) of body weight during sickness and none or as small as 4 mg per pound (lb) as maintenance.  So for a sick 10 lb dog, you can give 180mg per day and for a health 10 lb dog, you can give none or 40 mg per day.  Overdose will leads to diarrhea.  

If your dogs is taking Steadfast, it has good amount of Vitamin C included so to help with joint issue.

患病期間每磅體重可給約18至36mg; 沒有病的給 0mg 或每磅 4mg為維持. 因此,生病的10磅狗,你可以每天給180-360mg , 而健康的10磅狗,你可以給 0mg  每天40mg 每天。過量的意志導致腹瀉。


Books 閱讀
Benefits of Vitamin C to Your Dog, The Whole Dog Journal, September 1998 Issue

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