Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Breeds prone to hypothyroid / 一般易有低甲品種

越來越多不同的品種的狗不在一般高機會有甲狀腺疾病 (低甲) 清單上有甲狀腺問題. 就在幾天前,我遇到了一隻有甲狀腺疾病的混種狗, 她當時肚腩很大. 

Outside the usual list of breeds with thyroid disorder, there are more and more dogs in different breeds are having thyroid issues. Just the other day, I met a mix breed dog with thyroid disorder, she had a very round belly.

Breeds prone to have thyroid disorder:

- Airedale Terrier
- Boxers
- Cocker Spaniel*
- Dachshund*
- Doberman Pinscher*
- English Bulldogs
- Greyhound
Great Danes
- Golden Retriever*
- Labrador Retriever*
- Irish Setter
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Pomeranian
- Shetland Sheepdog
- Scottish Deerhound

*higher chance

- 萬能梗犬
- 拳師
- 曲卡犬*
- 臘腸狗*
- 杜白文犬*
- 格雷伊獵犬
- 大丹犬
- 金毛尋回犬*
- 拉布拉多犬*
- 愛爾蘭塞特犬
- 迷你中納沙
- 松鼠狗
- 喜樂蒂牧羊犬
- 蘇格蘭獵鹿犬


就算你的狗品稚即使不名單上, 你也應該學會什麼是甲狀腺功能減退以及如何盡量避免. 

Even if your dogs are on the list, you should learn what is hypothyroid and how to avoid it.

Also see / 其他:

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