Thursday, March 29, 2012

Herbs: Dandelion/ 香草药:蒲公英

Dandelion is rich in potassium and contains high level of vitamin A.  Dandelion root is not only full of nutrition, it can also help stimulate digestion, and is great for any liver disorder.

Dandelion's leaves have powerful diuretic action that induce the flow of urine and help to remove excess fluid from the body. With high potassium, Dandelion helps replace the potassium that is lost with diuretics.  Side effects of lack of potassium are nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, listlessness and rapid heartbeat. 

Nature has her own electrolytes and one of the best sources of these is the humble dandelion



自然界有佢自己的天然電解質, 而最好的電解質是不起眼的蒲公英

Feeding Dandelion powder is very convenient.  For a large dog, 1 tablespoon per day (half root and half leave) should be good and the amount to use for a small dog should be 1 teaspoon per day.  Monitor the result and adjust the amount.

For horses, the dose is 20 to 30 gram of dried leaf and 20 to 30 gram of dried root. 

Or You can choose our Soul Food, which has organic dandelion roots and leaves, for your dog for all your dog's vitamins need.

It is good for you, HUMAN, too!





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