Friday, February 3, 2012

Oh No .. Overweight Dog 幫超重啲狗減肥

In light of the recent VW commercial on how a overweight dog lose weight, I would like to talk about what we should do when our dog is overweight

剛剛睇過 VW commercial 啲你都知肥狗的問題.  以下我例出一些基本減肥事行:

1. Check with the vet to ensure the weight has not caused any diseases or was caused by any diseases
1. 跟你獸醫 check 吓, 睇吓過肥有冇影响期他工能或 過肥是因期他病

2. Weight your dog to get the earmark
2. 磅重, 可以知道由幾重開始

3.  Exercise your pet: Brisk walk not slow stroll, swimming, and hiking, etc
3.  運動!  不是慢慢行.  也可以遊水或行山

4. Diet - give better food that is lower in fat
4. 食 - 低脂肪食物

5. Cut or reduce unhealthy snack.  Feed Carrot as an alternative.
5. 不餵或 餵小D不良的雜食.  可餵小蘿蔔

6.  Play game with your dog to get him / her moving
6.  同你隻狗玩!

Easily overweight dogs are:  比較容易肥的狗:
1. Labrador Retrievers 拉布拉多獵犬
2. Dachshunds 臘腸
3. Beagles 比格犬
4. Cairn Terriers 凯恩猎犬
5. Cocker Spaniels 曲KA
6. Collies 牧羊犬
7. Shetland Sheepdogs 喜樂蒂牧羊犬
8.  Basset Hounds 巴吉度獵犬

Also see / 其他: 
How to help your dog to deal with Arthritis? 如何幫助你患有關節炎的狗?
Health Issues from being overweight 過重會有好多健康問題
Canine: Exercise / 做運動

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