Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Say NO to Chemical Fly Repellents

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Chemical fly repellents might be more effective and longer lasting than natural fly repellents but they also have many irreversible disadvantages to both horses and the riders.

Disadvantages and Harmful 
Against these advantages:
  • There is increasing concern about the potential heath risk to horses and people associated with the frequent or high-dosage use of these products. 
  • Research has shown that when these chemicals are sprayed on human skin, over half of the product is absorbed into the skin, with a substantial portion entering the bloodstream and organs and research is demonstrating that there are various health risks associated with these chemicals. 
  • Frequent contact with these chemicals (e.g. using bare hands to apply them around sensitive eyes and mouth areas) might lead to long-term health risks to yourself.
  • Although the amount of chemical which enters the horse will be a lower percentage than for people (as much remains on the coat rather than penetrating to the skin), there are increasing concerns about the potential health implications for the horse of long-term use. 
  • The more effective chemical repellents are the ones that have a higher percentage of active ingredients (higher percentage of chemicals), so the most effective repellents also tend to be the ones with the highest health risk.
Say NO to chemical fly repellents!!!


  1. Could you provide the natural alternatives or site the offending chemical ingredients for us to look for?

  2. We are not sure we should negatively mentioned those products that contain chemical. If you are looking for chemical free fly spray which is also a coat conditioner, you can try the Ricochet spray, click on the Ricochet label to find out more. Thank you for your comment.
