Sunday, May 6, 2012

Take action today! 病從口入!

 剛跟狗仔行街遇到了一隻只有3條腿的狗.  跟有關狗主人談後, 原來狗女剛約1個月前做了一個癌症手術, 一條腿被割去以阻止癌症的蔓延.  然而,手術後僅一個月, 顯然癌症又回來了. 

可憐的小狗,她仍然很精靈, 與其他小狗玩.  她有一對美麗明亮的眼睛, 她10歲是混合犬. 主人認為癌症原因是她的飲食.  她一直食幹糧, 直到癌症被發現. 現在她要吃中药及她家人做飯飲食比她....我希望她早日康復.

今天這事我要再提大家 ...我們選擇正確的飲食對於我們的這實在是非常重要的.  如果你真的需要餵包裝幹糧的狗食物, 請確保你提供足夠的補充品,以確保你的狗吸收到所有必需的維生素和礦物質(和有捉夠運動),  可以幫助建立和支持良好的免疫系統.  此外作為一個負責任的狗主,當有任何健康問題,被毛粗糙,咳嗽,食慾不振和飲酒習慣的變化,異味,大便不好,移動慢,口腔有味及發炎,眼睛混濁等的標誌,你必須採取行動

但在此不良跡象出現之前, 今天問問你自己, 你有冇提供足夠的健康飲食給你的狗? 如果你不知道, 跟其他人傾吓聽建或 email 比我地.

During dog walking today, we bumped into a dog had only 3 legs.  After talking to the owner, I found out (sadly) that the dog had a cancer operation about one month ago and one of her legs had to be removed to stop the cancer from spreading.  However, only one month after the operation, the cancer has apparently returned.

Poor little dog, she still had very good spirit and playing with other doggies.  She had beautiful bright big eyes and a very black nose, she was 10 and a mix-breed dog.  The owner thought the cause of her cancer was her diet.  She had been on dry package dog food diet all her life until the cancer was discovered.  Now she is on home cook diet with special Chinese med being given to her.... I hope she recovers soon.

What did I take away from this ... It is really very important that we pick the right diet for our dogs.  If you really need to feed prepackaged dog food, please ensure you provide sufficient supplements to ensure your dog receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals (and exercise) that can help to build and support good immune system.  Also, as a responsible dog owners, any sign of health issues such as coat, cough, change of appetite and drinking habit, odor, bad poo, restricted movement, inflamed gum, and cloudy eyes, etc, you need to take action!

But before any bad signs are noted, ask yourself today, are you providing sufficient healthy diet to your dogs.   If you are not sure, talk to someone who can give you good advice or your can contact us via email. 

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