Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why feed heart to your dog? 為什麼餵心?

如前所述 Are you feeding commercial diet? Part 2 您餵狗糧嗎? (二),動物內藏很有營養。 心比較似肉, 不像內臟.  每週2次小塊, 大概 30 - 50 克。(大約 5-6lb的狗)

- 這是高輔酶(CoQ10)對一般健康和的心臟的功能有好處。它還有助於減少老化過程。
- 這是高硒
- 這是高磷 

- 這是高鋅 
- 它包含更多的膠原蛋白和彈性
- 利於狗有心臟疾病因高蛋白質,提供氨基酸,是對心臟有好處,並有助於保持瘦體重 
- 這是還便宜

- 比熟食含有更多的維生素和礦物質
- 很容易準備

(餵生豬肉和雞肉, 我要確保他們冰結至少3個星期之後才餵.  但冷凍肉破壞其新鮮品質)

P.S. 樣樣都係適可而止. 餵太多可能會導致稀糞便.

As mentioned previously on Are you feeding commercial diet? Part 2 您餵狗糧嗎? (二), animal organ is nutrition.  Heart is nutritionally more like muscle meat than organ meat. I feed about 30-50g of raw heart two times a week for a 5-6lb dog.

Why feed (beef) heart:
- It is high in Coenzyme (CoQ10) for general health and optimism heart's function.  It also helps to decrease the aging process.
- It is high in Selenium
- It is high in Phosphorus
- It is high in Zinc 
- It contains more collagen and elastin
- Beneficial to dogs with heart disease Diets for dogs with heart disease should be high in protein, particularly meat, which supplies amino acids that are good for the heart and helps to preserve lean body mass.
- It is also inexpensive

You can also cook it but nutrition will be lost.  Why raw?
- Contains more vitamins and minerals than cooked food
- It is super easy to prepare

(Feeding  raw pork and chicken, I will make sure they are freezes for at least 3 weeks before I feed them but freezing the meat destroys some of its fresh qualities)

P.S. Do not overdo it.  Feeding too much can cause loose stools

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