Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Canine: Constipation / 便秘

我相有發生過在你身上, 而你知道便秘有多痛苦當它發生在你的狗身上,我們痛苦因為不能跟我們說出問題一般情況下,飲食有影響健康動犬隻每一天便便一次或兩次有時一至兩大便是可以接受的當它是(2)天以上,我地就要做D野.

I am sure it has happen to you and you know how painful it is.  When it happen to your pet, it becomes even more painful as your dog cannot speak.  In general, depending on their diet, healthy dogs have one or two stools a day.  One or two days without stools is not a cause of concern; however, when it is more than two (2) days, something has to be done

- 狗沒有得到足夠的運動,
足夠水. 在消化過程中必需的, 足夠可能會導致""便
- 餵得太多骨,
- 吃了異物: 玩具, 石頭 ...
- 藥物的副作用
- 緊張
- 肛門囊

- Dogs not getting enough exercise which help with bowel movement
- Dogs not drinking sufficient amount of water which is required during digestion might result with "harden" fences
- Not enough fiber in the diet
- Giving your dog too much bone can also cause constipation
- Eaten foreign objects
- Side effects from medications
- Exposures to stressful situation
- Blocked or abscessed anal sacs 

- 南瓜具有較高的水含量和高纖維。你可以餵
- 生薑可以幫助放鬆肌肉及治療便秘. 也可減少腸道助排便。  
- 混1茶匙橄欖油, 礦物油, 或魚肝油狗的食物 
- 給你的狗的的食品(如果你餵乾糧食品,給你的狗罐頭食品) 
- :確保你的狗有足夠的水可用。如果他不喜歡喝雞湯鼓勵他喝多些。 
- 帶你的狗散步讓他/她有很多機會便便
- 如果仍然沒有大便,去見獸醫!

Home Treatment (assuming your dog is not diagnosis with other diseases; otherwise talk to your vet first)
- Pumpkin has high water content and high in fiber.  You can feed can pumpkin (make sure it has no sugar or addictive) or puree fresh pumpkin for your dog.
- Ginger can help treat constipation by relaxing the muscles and reduce inflammation in the bowel.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil, mineral oil or cod liver oil into the dog food
- Give your dog wet food (if you are feeding dry food food, give your dog can food)
- Water: Ensure you dog has water available.  If he does not like to drink, mix in some chicken broth to encourage him to drink it.
- Take your dog for a long long walk so s/he has plenty of opportunity to relieve her/himself.
- If still no stool, visit your vet.

Also see / 其他: 
- Oh No .. Overweight Dog 幫超重啲狗減肥
- Health Issues from being overweight 過重會有好多健康問題
- Canine: Exercise / 做運動

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