Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ways to help your dogs live longer 幫你的狗長壽D

We have identified some matters that would help your dogs live longer and is easy to do
  1. Weight watching - keep track of your dog's weight
  2. No Table Scalp - I know it is hard but try your best, is best for them!
  3. High Quality Diet - watch those nasty things in the commercial diet
  4. Know your dogs' vital data and  Keep a health log
    Canine: Vital Knowlege/ 你要知
  5. Grooming - This will you to get used how your dog is and will help you notice any changes quickly.
    幫你的狗常常梳毛有助你了解他的皮膚, 耳朵, 眼, 及毛的狀況.  可以幫你辨認出異常.
  6. Exercises and Games - Make sure your dogs get enough physical and mentally simulated exercise.
    - 確保你的狗得到足夠的運動 和 智力挑戰
  7. Research the Breeds' genetic and find out what diseases that the breed is likely to face.
    收集品種的資料, 了解犬隻有機會有的病. 看你可以防止.
  8. Say NO to chemical - get rid of anything that have nasty chemical 
    Chemical To AVOID 你和你寵物應避免的**化學品**

Any other suggestions?  有冇其他建議?

Also see / 其他:
- Ways to help your dogs live longer Part 2 幫你的狗長壽D (二)
- Ways to help your dogs live longer Part 3 幫你的狗長壽D (三)

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