Wednesday, January 18, 2012

10 ways to help homeless dogs 10 種方法去幫肋無家的狗隻

Here is a great article form Opral that talks about ways to help homeless dogs, even if you cannot adopt.  I am highlighting the 10 points here and you can see full details in the article.

文章列出10種方法去幫肋無家的狗隻即使你不能收養佢地, 你也可以幫手。在這裡我們綠出文章的主
  1. Donate Supplies - shelters might need dog supplies to help them to keep the operations running, check with your local shelter to see what they need.  From my experience, old towels are always welcome.捐贈用品 - 庇護是需要很多用品的. Check 吓您當地的庇護所,睇吓他們需要什麼。從我們的經驗,舊毛巾總是受歡迎的。
  2. Use Your Special Skills - many shelters need different skills such as book keeping, marketing, photo taking skills.  If you love taking pictures of pets, help shelters take pictures of their rescued dogs for adoption.
    你的技能 - 許多庇護都需要不同技能,如拍照技巧,市場營銷,會計。如果你愛幫寵物拍照,幫助庇護所
    拍代收養的照片.  這些照片可以幫這些動物更快找到一個家
  3. Grab a Brush and Some Treats: Grooming and Training Save Lives - grooming is great way to relieve stress for the animal and the groomer.  Bring a brush to  your local shelters and make those animals prettier and help them get adopted.  Also, bring some treats to train them teach them some tricks, dogs that are well behave and have good social skills would help them get adopted. 
    和帶把狗梳和零食幫寵物美容及培訓 - 幫狗
    梳毛可緩解動物的壓力到您當地的庇護所,使這些動物漂亮,並幫助他們快些找到一個家。此外,教這些狗受一些技巧,會令他們更sociable 及可以幫助他們快些找到一個家

  4. Quiet Petting Time Works Wonders - Petting help relieve stress and help dogs to be more balance, go and pet those rescued animals.
    這些狗 - 摸 (Pet) 有助於緩解壓力和幫助狗更平衡
  5. Become a One-Man (or Woman) Marketing Firm for Homeless Pets: Re-post adoptees information from different shelters, the more people learn about these adoptees, the high possibility that they will get adopted.
    成為 ONE MAN BANK,為無家可歸的寵物:重新發布不同的庇護所收養的信息,令更多的人了解這些被收養的動物
  6. Adopt a Shelter Worker or Rescuer: Identify one of the rescue workers and show appeciation for their efforts.
  7. Don't Be Part of the Problem:  Set good example by being good to your own dogs, don't give pets as gift.
  8. Spay or Neuter Your Pet

  9. Help the Lost: If you find a lost pet, make every effort to find her owner before you take her to the shelter
    幫助遺寵物或主人如果您發現丟失的寵物,盡一切努力找到她的主人.  末找到之前帶她回家如果可以的話. 
  10. Spread the Word About Pet Adoption:  spread the words.
See full articles 看全文: 10 ways to help homeless pets, even if you can't adopt

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