Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Canine bloat? (Canine Colic) 狗土脹, 胃扭轉

What is Canine bloat?

Bloat, or more technically, gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), is a top killer of dogs, especially of deep-chested giant and large breeds, such as Great Danes, Saint Bernard, and Standard Poodles.   However, it does not only affect these type of dogs, I know a senior Chinese dog (唐狗) that was killed by GDV.

狗土脹, 胃扭轉是大型犬的頭号殺手.  例如 大丹犬, 聖伯納犬, 標準型貴賓.  這病不但是大型犬的頭号殺手,  我也認識一只老唐狗是這樣死的. 

Gas accumulation alone is known as bloat, or dilatation. The accumulation of gas is often related to swallowed air and dilation usually happens when there is an abnormal accumulation of air, fluid and/or foam in the stomach.  This cause discomfort in your dog.

如果只是胃氣, 狗隻的土會脹及擴張.  隻吞下氣體而這些累積的氣引起胃部擴張令狗隻很不適. 

Bloat can occur without twisting but sometimes causes the stomach to rotate or twist on its axis when stomach swells; this is referred to as torsion or volvulus.  Bloat can occur on its own, or as a precursor to torsion. With air, food and water trap in the stomach can have many effect on a dog and can quickly kill a dog

土脹不一定會令到胃扭轉但很多時胃會因擴張而扭轉. 由於氣體, 食物, 及水困在胃內不出不入, 這可以在很短時間導致你的狗隻死亡.

A video to help you to identify it
這 Video 會幫你辨認

More to come / 下一文

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